Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History

This is a place for me and everyone else interested in everything.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Birthday pic

Birthday Bash

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

a little overawed...

I just took a look at some of the highlighted blogs and have discovered mine needs some work. My favorites were the doodle girl "Eyes wide apart" and the dancing guy "daily dancer". I guess it is time to figure out exactly what this blog will be saying.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Harry Potter just got released!

Yes, I like millions of other people tonight waited in line to get the brand new Harry Potter book, The Half Blood Prince, released at 12:01 AM Saturday, July 16th. I have always tried to not follow the crowd, be my own person. However sometimes, especially when there is a good reason to follow the crowd, I just walk along with them, or in this case read the book that everyone else is reading. I was really surprised, because Papa decided he wanted to go to Hastings tonight as well. So around 11:00 JJ, Papa and I all jumped into the car and headed to Hutchinson. Papa was trying to analyze the old books, but I decided about six months ago that I had enough of going over every single sentence of every page, so I was a bad sport in the car. Actually I was in a pretty foul mood in general. Anything that Papa said I was annoyed with. I think it is time for me to go back to school. I wonder why I cannot stay in one place for more than a couple of months without either getting annoyed or bored with everything and everyone around me. It really doesn't matter whether I am at school or at home or on vacation. I cannot stay in one place for a long period of time. Maybe this is something I will grow out of, or maybe I am just doomed to roam around the rest of my life. . . actually that doesn't sound too bad. I love to travel, and work/live in different environments. Everywhere I go I feel that I learn something about myself or other people, that I understand more. Going into other cultures or just meeting people outside of my normal everyday doings, helps me to understand why people do the things they do. Humans are such fascinating creatures!! We do the most random things like buying a silly book in the middle of the night or blowing up subways, and yet somehow it all makes sense in our minds. I can find absolutely no reason in the world that would make me want to strap explosives onto myself and then take a ride on a crowded train and detonate them. However, I know that those four (is that the right number?) individuals who blew up the London trains had something in their brain that said this is a better idea than going back to their family and "normal" lives. I cannot say that these people were just evil or simply out of their mind, no matter how much I hate what they did. They had their reasons. They weighed the possibilities and found the road with the explosives smoother with a better ending. It is horribly sad that people do things like this, but can we do anything about it? The government can kill the "bad guys" for now, but people have the right to choose and as long as we have that right people will do things that the majority will see as horrific and insane and evil. There is no answer. It is part of being human.